
The Analytical Power of SAP S/4HANA... Join us for the discussion!

We are thrilled to announce our upcoming three-part S/4HANA SIG Meeting Series. Each of the three sessions will cover a different topic; with the first cab off the rank delving into the analytical power of S/4HANA.

Join us on Thursday July 2, 2020, from 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM for Part One of Three in the SAP S/4HANA series.

The introduction of SAP S/4HANA along with embedded analytics, SAP Analytics Cloud and other SAP analytics offerings, opens up a world of opportunities beyond the “traditional” for analytics. This SIG session will focus discussion on some of the options available with SAP S/4HANA and how your mindset needs to shift to fully appreciate the power now available at your fingertips. There will also be discussions on new capabilities, things to start thinking about and how you might begin your journey.

SNP Australia's Paul Swain will also discuss an automated path to SAP S/4HANA. As you may know, a migration to SAP S/4HANA can be a complex task. Discover how you can move to SAP S/4HANA quickly, flexibly and reliably while also carrying out other necessary projects – all in a single go-live project.

The online meeting will be a great start to the Series. We hope you can join us.

Register HERE

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