


The business landscape in Australia, in fact globally, has changed dramatically since March this year with the implications of the COVID-19 virus. Many of us, out of necessity, have become 100% digital and as a collective workforce we have proven to be agile and adaptable. Who’d have predicted that the biggest driver of digital transformation in 2020 would be a virus!

The SAP Australian User Group has also been affected by the COVID-19 restrictions with the most visible impact being to our physical events. We have pivoted to provide online Special Interest Group meetings, webinars and will this week deliver our very popular Brisbane Conference as the fresh faced “(Not Just) Brisbane Virtual Conference May 2020” featuring case studies of global interest and relevance.

While COVID-19 restrictions have begun to ease, the SAUG Team have been reviewing our planned 2020 activities and investigating potential options. The most significant implication of COVID-19 will be the impact it has on the SAUG National Summit. As our flagship event, the Summit typically brings together hundreds of people from the SAP ecosystem; SAUG members, SAP Partners, SAP users, speakers, experts and suppliers. The breadth and depth of content at this event is unrivalled and represents an incredible opportunity to network. We are also very conscious of the popularity of the SAUG Melbourne Conference which has been growing steadily over the past few years. Clearly, we did not want to cancel either event, so we have developed a plan to allow us to keep both events on the event calendar for 2020.

The revised schedule will be as follows:



Planned Format

SAUG Melbourne Conference

27 August 2020

Virtual with the possibility of a blended physical component depending on the COVID-19 situation

SAUG National Summit, Sydney

30 Nov / 1 Dec 2020

Physical event

We look forward to bringing you these events, plus more, during 2020. Thank you for your ongoing support… without which we would be unable to continue.

To keep up to date with what’s happening at SAUG, keep an eye out for the following email updates:

  • Weekly SAUG Update: Sent every Monday morning, gives a summary of recent announcements, resources available to members and upcoming events
  • SAUG eNEWS: Sent once a month containing detailed accounts of SAUG News, SAP News, Upcoming events plus much more.

For Upcoming events visit the SAUG Website

Stay Safe,

Jason Hincks


SAP Australian User Group

SAUG is committed to the safety and wellbeing of our members and will always operate our events in alignment with government recommendations and imposed restrictions.

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