
How can you assist you business succeed in times of change?

Join this webinar on Thurs 11 June 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM to learn how you can assist your business to succeed in times of change and transformation.

There is a lot of change happening right now. But change is not necessarily a bad thing, it also means there are new opportunities. Change and transformation cannot happen without each other. Especially now, as the current climate has forced companies to consider organisational restructuring, transformation is in higher demand than ever.

A carve-out is one of the most complex tasks for any company to successfully implement, especially within the challenging time frames that the market now demands.

This webinar, sponsored by SNP Australia, will show you how to undertake streamlined carve-out projects and how to utilise innovative modules, processes and software solutions to overcome even the greatest challenges at top speed.

This webinar is open to SAUG members only, be sure to log into the website to register. For more details about this webinar and to register click HERE

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