
June Finance SIG Topic 1

19 May 2020

Join us for the first in our 4-part Series for the SAUG Finance SIG: Collaborative Enterprise Planning with Analytics Cloud.

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How Resilient are You?

18 May 2020

What is resilience? Why is it critical for everyone in any position, at any age,  at any life stage and why do we need to focus on resilience in a comprehensive and holistic way?

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Did you know automation is crucial when adopting SAP S/4HANA?... Find out WHY

7 May 2020

This will be the first instalment of our new 'SAUG Solution Series'; a series we've created to provide a forum for SAUG Members to learn about products and services available from SAP Partners.In this session you'll hear from SAP Partner Basis Technologies why automation is essential when adopting SAP S/4HANA.

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Utilities Industry Special Interest Group to Meet Mon 18 May... Join the Conversation

7 May 2020

SAUG would like to invite Utilities Industry Professionals and those with an interest in the area to the upcoming meeting of one of our most active and popular Special Interest Groups SIG;  the Utilities Industry SIG.

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How are your Transformation Skills?... Learn how to adapt in these crazy times

7 May 2020

Following numerous requests from members; and off the back of overwhelmingly positive feedback about the stream at the National Summit 2019, we are thrilled to announce the launch of the Transformation Skills Special Interest Group SIG. This new SIG will kick off with its first meeting on Thursday 21 May.

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